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KSA Introduces Major Updates to Responsible Gambling Regulations

KSA June 3rd saw the introduction of new responsible gambling rules in the Netherlands. As outlined by the Dutch Gambling Authority (KSA), the Responsible Gaming Policy Rule brings about a range of new measures, including the capping of the deposits that Dutch casino enthusiasts can make when they wish to indulge in gambling.

The new restrictions dictate that those aged between 18 and 24 will have a monthly deposit limit of €300 to adhere to. As for individuals older than 24, the limit has been set to €700. Moreover, once someone deposits the maximum permitted sum, operators will be mandated to check the given user’s financial circumstances and determine they are able to afford that level of expenditure. If not, the client’s depositing capability will be frozen for that month.

According to the new regulations, operators will also have to do their due diligence when it comes to the behavior of their clients. What this entails is that when the new rules come into effect, gambling websites will be required to detect any potential indicators that suggest a given user is at risk of falling victim to gambling addiction, analyze the data, and employ intervention procedures as soon as possible. The KSA also mandates that monitoring be done 24/7 and that appropriate action be undertaken at any time necessary.

Operators Have Until October to Prepare for the New Requirements

New Requirements While the KSA did stress that the Responsible Gaming Policy Rule in and of itself is effective immediately, many of the separate clauses included in the update will be put into effect starting October 1st, 2024. This is due to operators needing sufficient time to make adjustments to their systems in order to accommodate the monitoring technology and swift implementation of deposit limits.

The Netherlands’ gambling watchdog made the above changes in response to the findings of a research report that was published by the KSA last year. According to the results, some operators were not efficient in intervening in cases where a player had been playing excessively or was showing signs of being addicted to gambling. Prior to finalizing and officially announcing the new rules, the KSA requested feedback from operators, and the consultation ended with 33 responses being issued.

Recent Dutch laws surrounding gambling adverts were also taken into account. This includes the 2022 ban on the promotion of gambling by individuals who Dutch legislation designates as “role models,” with football players and other famous figures being given as examples. Last year’s prohibition of the vast majority of gambling also played a role in the KSA’s decision, and it saw bans on ads displayed in public spaces, gambling sponsorships, and untargeted ads as a whole being declared illegal. Targeted advertising, while restricted, remained legal according to the 2023 legislation, although in February 2024, it was proposed for targeted ad bans to also be banned.

 Author: Harrison Young

Harrison Young is an experienced writer, who started his career almost 8 years ago. Prior to joining our team at CasinoGamesPro, he worked as an editor for a small magazine.