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Macau Legislative Assembly Approves New Gambling Laws

Macau Gambling Industry Macau’s Legislative Assembly has recently approved two pieces of legislation that would introduce new regulations to the gambling industry in the only place in the Asian country where the activity is legal.

The authority has granted its final approval of a new illegal gambling law, enabling individuals charged with minor crimes to be exempted from prosecution if they bear witness against others.

Chan Chak Mo, chairman of a subcommittee examining the new law, affirmed that some details had been elucidated, thus bringing clarity to particular critical questions.

According to the new law, betting cannot be conducted in public places. However, as the chairman explained, the concept of “public places” can be very broad. Offenders who have been declared guilty may suffer fines varying from MOP$1,500 to MOP$5,000 (approximately from $185 to $620).

Anyone who participates in unauthorized gambling or is present at the venue where the gambling activity takes place is to be considered an offender. Those who provide evidence to law enforcement authorities, however, regarding other suspects or transgressors may have their sentences reduced or thoroughly repealed.

Yet another addition to the law would enable nighttime searches of illegal gambling establishments, thus eliminating such premises.

Macau Legislative Assembly Approves New Gaming Credit Law

Macau Flag The end of last week also saw Macau’s Legislative Assembly validating yet another gambling-related piece of legislation, concerning granting credit to gamblers. Originally passed in May last year, the “Legal regime for granting credit for games of chance in casinos” was subjected to discussions for almost a year, with last Friday becoming the day lawmakers gave their unanimous approval.

The law will come into force on August 1 this summer, enabling only Macau’s six current concessionaires to issue gaming credit. When the law was originally communicated to the public by the Executive Council, it allowed junkets to lend credit for gambling as well. This provision, however, has been removed, requiring promoters to contract agencies allowed to issue credits on behalf of the concessionaires.

Concessionaires can be disqualified for lending credit, if “it is in the significant public interest”, without further specifications in the law defining the latter. If a concessionaire fails to meet credit issuing criteria, such as risk evaluation and complaint system implementation, they may face fines ranging from MOP$2 Million to MOP$5 Million.

Gaming junkets who do not abide by the new legislation could suffer fines between MOP$600,000 and MOP$1.5 Million. Reps of Macau junkets have voiced their concerns regarding the new legislation, stating that it would greatly impact their operations. They said the new requirements concerning credit lending would prolong the customer approval process and the need for them would be undermined.

 Author: Harrison Young

Harrison Young is an experienced writer, who started his career almost 8 years ago. Prior to joining our team at CasinoGamesPro, he worked as an editor for a small magazine.